Thursday, October 21, 2010

The first one

It’s been like the longest delayed work that I have been just not completing. Well it’s to have a blog of myself. I am not much of procrastinator, but at times I just can’t move my ass off to get the work done. This is gonna be my first update, and the streams of ideas are already running across my mind. Nothings working in a way I want it. So it’s just will be what comes to mind will be included. After working and watching series of episodes of a sitcom, I just sat on my not so cushy chair to write this update, the first one for the blog. Okay, the dog right in front of door is too much sleepy and my cup of tea I had in morning is still lying unclean. Well I know that does not make any sense, but I am also to make absolute non sense. Okay, smart na?? Nay! Anyways, my taste is in Politics and anything that has to do with Arundhati Roy, even the remotest of things related to her. I adore her writing and not all her views. the taste is further extended to books, music and coffee. This, I guess probably would be my topics to be posted on the blog in future. I promise to make it boring, having no followers.

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