Thursday, October 21, 2010

...And I romanticize her

"She is anti- Indian, always support terrorist, why do you read her essays and how the hell can you like her?" said a friend of mine, expressing his anger against Roy. I quiet admire that lady for her writings. She can't be simply ignored, and her ideas and views are thought provoking ones. Her recent 32 page article "Walking with the Comrade" in magazine - Outlook created such an uproar. All the ones that know me as her avid reader , accused me of romanticizing her. Soon after the article was published, 76 CRFP soldiers were killed by the so-called naxals, as it was widely reported in the media. And well, the broadcast media, did what I expected, attack Roy for supporting them. The public in general asked her to condemn such killing. Coming back to, why I like her? First, think liking is purely for her writing- including the style, topics, analysis, historical citations. And yes, reading her does not amount to *supporting* all her *views*. Though some of the issues raised, does make a valid topic of discussions. This includes the demand to set up independent inquiry by the CBI to investigate the Batla House encounter as there were so many loop holes in the primary investigations.
One thing about her or for that matter any other social activist/ writer, why do people attack them when we go ga ga about freedom of speech and democracy? In a democracy, debate is always welcomed, then why the people who raise question and start a debate are being targeted?
I am of this clear view, we are indeed in a need of more Arundhati Roys and if that interprets as romanticizing her. Then I have no qualms in accepting the accusation of romanticizing her.

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